Microblading Or 3D EyebrowTatoo at Milla`s.
Corrective Work/Cover Ups price will vary depending on how much work needs to be done, will be added on to service. Correcting work that is done somewhere else. For a FREE consultation or to book microblading appointment at Milla`s Hair Salon, please call (623)842-9535
Prior To First Appointment:
Avoid eyebrow waxing, threading or tinting at least 3-5 days prior to your service
- Try to avoid any medications that would thin your blood such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Vitamin E and Omegas. If on prescriptions such as acutane, I suggest waiting 3-6 months to schedule a service
- No alcohol consumption the day before/of your service
- I recommend scheduling any vacations where you will be in the sun 2 weeks post your service to decrease unwanted fading at an early stage.
✓ Microblading, also known as microstroking, is an advanced brow embroidery technique whereby a superfine row of needles is used to create thin, hair like marks on the skin, which last up to 18 months.
✓ It is ideal for creating a very full and realistic looking brow, and is becoming an increasingly popular method in permanent makeup. It is quite similar to hair stroke cosmetic tattoo using the machine method; however the strokes are finer, and are not implanted as deeply in the skin. Therefore, cosmetic tattoo brows completed using micro blade or micro stroke techniques are not as permanent.

✓ At Mila’s, eyebrows are custom designed to meet the needs and desired look of each individual… one, two or even three different shades of pigment can be used, creating a single, double or even triple layer brow tattoo, giving a 3D brow effect.